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Greenville, South Carolina, Greenville, SC (KGMU)

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Greenville, South Carolina

If you don't mind walking, start near Main St, and stroll up and down the street, it's beautiful, clean, thriving with people of all ages, some local and some from other countries. Greenville has several companies that pull talent from overseas. Main Street will also take you to the beautiful Falls Park on the Reedy River. Over the river is a unique curved pedestrian suspension bridge. Spend the afternoon walking through the park, shopping and dining downtown. - Submitted by Lara Kaufmann
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Video Created by VisitGreenvilleSC

100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Oxygen Tiedowns
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Greenville Downtown (GMU)

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Latitude: 34-50-52.6000N
Longitude: 082-21-00.0000W
Elevation: 1048
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 119.9
Unicom: 122.95

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Greenville, SC
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8/22/2016 - Runway Cafe on field, south end. - Submitted by CM SUllivan
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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Atlanta 20 miles
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33A Fairview Landrum, SC
Atlanta 25 miles
AND Anderson Rgnl Anderson, SC
Atlanta 32 miles
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Atlanta 32 miles
CEU Oconee County Rgnl Clemson, SC
Atlanta 33 miles
LUX Laurens County Laurens, SC
Charlotte 33 miles
35A Union County, Troy Shelton Field Union, SC
Atlanta 42 miles
AVL Asheville Rgnl Asheville, NC
Atlanta 42 miles
GRD Greenwood County Greenwood, SC
Atlanta 43 miles
FQD Rutherford Co - Marchman Field Rutherfordton, NC
Charlotte 46 miles
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Greenville Downtown Airport - Uploaded by Mike

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