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Beaver Island, Beaver Island, MI (SJX)

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Beaver Island

The most remote inhabited island in the Great Lakes. Great destination for boating, hiking, biking, camping, fishing, hunting, x-country skiing, and more. Fantastic island to fly to, two grass strips and good asphalt. Fantastic Glamping. New campsite and relaxing getaway. No fees at the airport for tie down. Self-service 100LL. Very friendly place with no crime at all. 2 Airports: Welke (6Y8) and Beaver Island (SJX). - Submitted by Andrew Rapley
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Video Created by Eagle Eye Video Production & Drone Service

Camping FBO Lodging
Self Serve 100LL Shuttle to Local Hotels
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Phone: 231-448-2071
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Beaver Island (SJX)

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Latitude: 45-41-32.0000N
Longitude: 085-33-59.8000W
Elevation: 669
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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36155 E Side Dr
Beaver Island, MI
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9/2/2010 - Just visited there for the first time on Sunday. Beautiful island! Quiet escape. Town is walkable, but a little bit of a hike. Breakfast at Dalwhinnie was very good... sweet place! - Submitted by Jeff

5/2/2002 - The FBO at Welke gives excellent service on minor or major repairs.
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
6Y8 Welke Beaver Island, MI
Green Bay 3 miles
6Y3 North Fox Island North Fox Island, MI
Green Bay 18 miles
CVX Charlevoix Muni Charlevoix, MI
Green Bay 30 miles
ISQ Schoolcraft County Manistique, MI
Green Bay 35 miles
5D5 Woolsey Memorial Northport, MI
Green Bay 36 miles
MGN Harbor Springs Harbor Springs, MI
Lake Huron 37 miles
PLN Pellston Rgnl Airport Of Emmet County Pellston, MI
Lake Huron 38 miles
83D Mackinac County St Ignace, MI
Lake Huron 42 miles
ERY Luce County Newberry, MI
Green Bay 43 miles
N98 Boyne City Muni Boyne City, MI
Green Bay 44 miles
Y94 East Jordan City East Jordan, MI
Green Bay 45 miles
59M Torchport Eastport, MI
Green Bay 45 miles
MCD Mackinac Island Mackinac Island, MI
Lake Huron 46 miles
BFA Boyne Mountain Boyne Falls, MI
Lake Huron 48 miles
All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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Terminal At Beaver Island - Uploaded by Roy Carlson

Aproaching Beaver Island From Charlevoix MI - Uploaded by Roy Carlson

9/27 Beaver Island Airport KSJX - Uploaded by Harry

Newer Beaver Island base operations building, very nice. - Uploaded by Joe Delene

Beaver Island from 10k in a cherokee 140 - Uploaded by Adam Michaud - Copyright Holder: Adam Michaud

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