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Kalispell City Airport, Kalispell, MT (S27)

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Kalispell City Airport

Great place to fly to near glacier national park with good food. Walking distance from Red Eagle Aviation 406-755-2376. Back country strips close by. - Submitted by Mike Smith
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
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Phone: 406-752-5092
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Kalispell City (S27)

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Latitude: 48-10-42.8500N
Longitude: 114-18-13.4670W
Elevation: 2932
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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1893 Airport Road
Kalispell, MT
Comments and Reviews From FunPlacesToFly.com Visitors:
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3/7/2021 - Kalispell in beautiful. I'm new to the aviation world, but motorcycle trip around there was awesome. Stayed there for a week. A lot of things to do see there. - Submitted by Steph Sabo

8/8/2005 - An excellent choice for fly-in camping, if you're OK with an urban surroundings. The camping facilities are really just a grass tie-down area, but the folks at Red Eagle were very nice, a grocery store is located right next door, and there are restraunts right across the street. We borrowed the courtersy car for a shoping trip into town. Fuel was $3.50 per gallon self-serve. We had an excellent weekend and will be back!

9/16/2003 - I landed here on 20 July 2003. It is right in the middle of town. Very nice people at the FBO. Very helpful, very courteous. They did not even charge me a tie-down fee! I'm not sure how they pay the bills.

5/13/2003 - Kalispell has a range of great activities. From camping on the airport grass, walking distance to shopping to a visit to Glacier National Park. Several mountain grass strips are close to the best fishing and rafting.
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
GPI Glacier Park Intl Kalispell, MT
Great Falls 9 miles
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Great Falls 16 miles
53U Ferndale Airfield Bigfork, MT
Great Falls 16 miles
8S1 Polson Polson, MT
Great Falls 34 miles
8U4 Spotted Bear /usfs/ Spotted Bear, MT
Great Falls 37 miles
S09 Hot Springs Hot Springs, MT
Great Falls 42 miles
7S0 Ronan Ronan, MT
Great Falls 43 miles
0S1 Meadow Creek Usfs Meadow Creek, MT
Great Falls 47 miles
8U2 Schafer /usfs/ Schafer, MT
Great Falls 49 miles
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Flathead Valley looking north, S-27 Kalispell 5 miles NW, Glacier National Park, 10 miles due North - Uploaded by Ted

Close up of the Mountains surrounding Kalispell, Great mountain strips with good fishing just over the tops. - Uploaded by Ted

My flying space, Flathead Valley, Montana AeroVelocity Maule 5 - Uploaded by Ted

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