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Williamson-Sodus Airport KSDC near Rochester, NY, 7AM till Noon. Enjoy a Pancake Breakfast, Sausage, Eggs, Hot Coffee, and of course Apple Juice and Applesauce. Adults $12.00, Children under 12 $6.00, Airplane Rides $40.00. Helicopter Rides: $70 for 1 passenger, $90 for 2. Fly-In over beautiful blossoming apple orchards, Lake Ontario, and Sodus Bay as you line up on final for a Great Breakfast! See weather dependent Antique and Classic Car Display, Airplanes of all sizes, Experimentals and Ultralights. Kids Activities, Flying Toy Display and Sale, $5,00 Pony Rides and lots more. 3800 x 60 Runway Taxiway. Plenty of Ramp Aircraft parking.