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Plains Montana - S34


Plains, Montana

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: S34
Latitude/Longitude: 47-28-24.8000N / 114-54-25.5000W
47.4733 / -114.9069
Elevation: 2467 feet MSL (Surveyed)
Magnetic Variation: 18E (1985)
Land Area Covered: 259 acres
From City: 1 nautical miles NW of Plains, MT
County/Parish: Sanders, MT
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Public
Activiation Date: 4/1/1940 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: Great Falls
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Salt Lake City Center (ZLC)
FSS: Great Falls Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator: Yes - Lighted
Segmented Circle: Yes
Lights: See Rmk
Beacon: White-Green (lighted land airport)
International Operations: No
Landing Fee: No
CTAF: 122.9
Airframe Repair: None
Power Plant Repair: None
Bottled oxygen: None
Bulk oxygen: None
Runway Information:
Runway: 13/31
Dimensions: 4651 x 75 ft.
Surface: Asphalt - in excellent condition
Weight Bearing Capacity:
Single wheel: 12.5 K lbs.
Double wheel: 18 K lbs.
Runway Edge Lights: Medium intensity
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Publicly Owned
Owner: Sanders County
P O Box 519
Thompson Falls, MT 59873
Manager: Randy Garrison
P O Box 988
Plains, MT 59859
Sectional Map:
  • CELL NUMBER 406-370-6179
  • ACTVT MIRL RY 13/31 & PAPI RY 31 - CTAF.
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
S09 Hot Springs Hot Springs, MT - Public Great Falls 17 miles
THM Thompson Falls Thompson Falls, MT - Public Great Falls 19 miles
9S4 Mineral County Superior, MT - Public Great Falls 21 miles
8S1 Polson Polson, MT - Public Great Falls 37 miles
7S0 Ronan Ronan, MT - Public Great Falls 38 miles
52S St Ignatius St Ignatius, MT - Public Great Falls 40 miles
Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
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