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Harrison Farm Texas - TE91


Harrison Farm
Troup, Texas

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: TE91
Latitude/Longitude: 32-02-21.5900N / 095-04-58.0000W
32.0392 / -95.0828
Elevation: 445 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: 04E (2000)
Land Area Covered: 5 acres
From City: 6 nautical miles SE of Troup, TX
County/Parish: Cherokee, TX
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Activiation Date: 11/1/2000 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: Dallas-Ft Worth
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Fort Worth Center (ZFW)
FSS: Fort Worth Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator: Yes
Segmented Circle: No
Runway Information:
Runway: 15/33
Dimensions: 2400 x 100 ft.
Surface: Grass, sod
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: W.R. Harrison
627 Chipper Court
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Manager: W.R. Harrison
627 Chipper Court
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Sectional Map:
Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
6X0 Tarrant Field Mount Selman, TX - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 13 miles
JSO Cherokee County Jacksonville, TX - Public Houston 14 miles
RFI Rusk County Henderson, TX - Public Memphis 15 miles
T25 Aero Estates Frankston, TX - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 22 miles
TYR Tyler Pounds Rgnl Tyler, TX - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 29 miles
GGG East Texas Rgnl Longview, TX - Public Memphis 32 miles
07F Gladewater Muni Gladewater, TX - Public Memphis 34 miles
OCH Nacogdoches A L Mangham Jr Rgnl Nacogdoches, TX - Public Houston 39 miles
PSN Palestine Muni Palestine, TX - Public Houston 41 miles
F44 Athens Muni Athens, TX - Public Dallas-Ft Worth 44 miles
JXI Fox Stephens Field - Gilmer Muni Gilmer, TX - Public Memphis 46 miles
4F2 Panola County-Sharpe Field Carthage, TX - Public Memphis 47 miles
Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
1TE3 Bolton Jacksonville, TX - Private Houston 11 miles
17XA Hunter Field Jacksonville, TX - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 13 miles
7TA7 Flying M Ranch Reklaw, TX - Private Houston 16 miles
TX24 Oaks Arp, TX - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 16 miles
0XS9 French Field Bullard, TX - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 16 miles
10TS 2c Ranch Laneville, TX - Private Houston 17 miles
16TS Pineridge Tyler, TX - Private Dallas-Ft Worth 19 miles
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