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BostrupS Landing New York - NK60


Bostrup'S Landing
Lake Pleasant, New York

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Airport Location:
FAA Identifier: NK60
Latitude/Longitude: 43-29-05.2420N / 074-21-06.5140W
43.4847 / -74.3517
Elevation: 1725 feet MSL (Estimated)
Magnetic Variation: 14W (1985)
Land Area Covered: acres
From City: 4 nautical miles E of Lake Pleasant, NY
County/Parish: Hamilton, NY
Airport Operations:
Airport Use: Private
Activiation Date: 12/1/1982 12:00:00 AM
Sectional Chart: New York
Control Tower: No
ARTCC: Boston Center (ZBW)
FSS: Buffalo Flight Service Station ()
Attendance: UNATNDD
Wind Indicator: Yes
Segmented Circle: No
Landing Fee: No
Runway Information:
Runway: 05/23
Dimensions: 12100 x 1500 ft.
Surface: WATER
Runway: 13/31
Dimensions: 4200 x 3000 ft.
Surface: WATER
Airport Ownership and Management:
Ownership: Privately Owned
Owner: Earl W. Bostrup
P O Box 125
Purdys, NY 10578
Manager: Earl W. Bostrup
P O Box 125
Purdys, NY 10578
Sectional Map:
    Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
    K09 Piseco Piseco, NY - Public New York 8 miles
    1F2 Plateau Sky Ranch Edinburg, NY - Public New York 21 miles
    1F6 Dolgeville Dolgeville, NY - Public New York 32 miles
    NY0 Fulton County Johnstown, NY - Public New York 34 miles
    GFL Floyd Bennett Memorial Glens Falls, NY - Public New York 39 miles
    5B2 Saratoga County Saratoga Springs, NY - Public New York 39 miles
    4B7 Schroon Lake Schroon Lake, NY - Public New York 40 miles
    83K Harris Fort Ann, NY - Public New York 41 miles
    K30 Heber Airpark Gansevoort, NY - Public New York 42 miles
    1C3 Argyle Argyle, NY - Public New York 47 miles
    W57 Round Lake Round Lake, NY - Public New York 48 miles
    B04 Garnseys Schuylerville, NY - Public New York 48 miles
    SCH Schenectady County Schenectady, NY - Public New York 49 miles
    Nearby Private Airports: (20 mile radius)
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