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BB Sport Aviation, Cambridge, MD (CGE)

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BB Sport Aviation

Sport Pilot training, Specialize in Ultralights Sport planes. Repairs, Parts, and Service. Bike rentals and Limo Rides to town. www.tourdorchester.org for town information. - Submitted by bbaviation
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Contact Information:
Email: bbaviation@olg.com
Phone: 410-221-8009
Airport Information:
Cambridge-Dorchester Rgnl (CGE)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 38-32-21.6000N
Longitude: 076-01-49.4000W
Elevation: 19
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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5223 Bucktown Rd
Cambridge, MD
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3/9/2010 - Stopped in one day to look at Teddy's/BB Sport Aviations aircraft. After looking at three different models my wife said she was hungry and wanted to eat. Teddy offered to drive us to a local restaurant which ended up having the best Maryland Crabcakes I ever tasted. Teddy even stopped by a gas station on the way back to the airport so I could purchase some water for the flight home. Can't say enough about what a gracious host Teddy was, and how helpful everybody at the hanger was to my wife and I. - Submitted by REV
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ANP Lee Annapolis, MD
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W00 Freeway Bowie, MD
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TGI Tangier Island Tangier, VA
Washington 49 miles
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BB Sport Aviation - Uploaded by Dave

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