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Four Roses Cafe - Fly Inn, Plainwell, MI (61D)

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Four Roses Cafe - Fly Inn

Plainwell has some restaurants within walking distance. No more than 200 yards from aircraft parking. Four Roses Cafe is a casual, fine dining cafe.
- Submitted by UserZ
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100LL Hangar Space
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Plainwell Muni (61D)

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Latitude: 42-28-04.0553N
Longitude: 085-38-52.9659W
Elevation: 722
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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1221 10th Street
Plainwell, MI
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4/17/2016 - Only one restaraunt within walking distance and that one was closed Sunday 4 17 2016. Took courtesy car to plainwell diner in town. Food was ok but it was the longest I have waited for a meal and they where not busy. - Submitted by Chris

10/10/2013 - Stopped at plainwell MI for fuel around 7 pm at night. Didn't try the fly inn restaurant I believe their hours are mon-sat 7am-2pm and Sunday 7am-noon. Sams joint is short walk down the road? Self serve fuel pump easy to taxi to. Will return for good priced fuel and to try the restaurant next time. - Submitted by Al

6/2/2013 - The 747 Bistro has been replaced with the Four Roses Cafe - Submitted by WEBarker

11/12/2009 - When you stop in to the 747 Bistro be sure and try the peanut butter pie. It's out of this world. - Submitted by Brad

10/20/2009 - The 747 Bistro, right across the road from the airport, is a friendly place with wonderful food. When you stop in be sure to say hi to the owner, a retired 747 pilot. - Submitted by Brad
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All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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FLY INN RESTAURANT AT 61D - Uploaded by Roy

- Uploaded by roy

Interior bar of the 747 Neighborhood Bistro. - Uploaded by Fred

1917 Royal Flying Corp. SE5A - Uploaded by Charles Garrett

Top Ace Capt. McCuddens WW1 English SE5a aircraft. Pilot's Chuck Craig Garrett, Kentwood MI. - Uploaded by Chuck Garrett

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