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Apalachicola Regional Airport, Apalachiola, FL (AAF)

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Apalachicola Regional Airport

Apalachicola was a fuel stop enroute from Miami back to San Antonio. Really a great town with lots of small antique shops. Unfortunately, most were closed on Sunday, but we had a great lunch at Boss Oyster right on the bay. Airport personnel were extremely helpful and we had the use of a courtesy for our short visit. By N732TY. FBO PH 850-290-8282. New FBO website: www.centricaviation.com - Submitted by Mike
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Phone: 850-653-2222
Airport Information:
Apalachicola Rgnl-Cleve Randolph Field (AAF)

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Latitude: 29-43-39.1762N
Longitude: 085-01-38.5585W
Elevation: 19
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Apalachiola, FL
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8/31/2016 - Very good and welcoming airport.
Must reserve a car in advance or the fantastic guy at the fbo will drive you to a good hotel.
Eat mussels in many restaurants.
We will get back - Submitted by Charbonn

3/15/2015 - This place is great. Chris met us out on the flight line to marshal us in. They were closing for the night but gave us the crew car and told us to use it as long as we needed. Boss's is the place to go for Oysters. The whole experience was great and I will be sure to come back and visit the guys at Crystal Air. Thanks guys. - Submitted by Larry

5/19/2013 - Flew in on the way too Mississippi for fuel, 3 runways, nice folks at the FBO, wish could have spent the night, the town is neat and good seafood. - Submitted by Mat

5/18/2013 - I flew my power parachute at the Apalachicola Regional Airport Thursday, May 16, 2013. The staff was very friendly and helpful. The airport is so big I had no problem flying off the grass between the taxi ways. Really enjoyed flying over the town of Apalachicola and the coast. Apalachicola is a quaint fishing town with nice shops and places to eat. I will do this again and I highly recommend it. - Submitted by Richard Pulliam

10/12/2010 - I was weathered in at AAF on my way to Pensacola recently. The FBO is a true Mom Pop operation, and they were very helpful, letting me use the crew car as I waited out the storms, and helping me locate a motel room when it became evident that I was stuck for the long haul. They run a rental car operation as well, which I ended up having to take advantage of. They took pity on me and, since I purchased fuel and rented a car, they didn't charge me for a multi day tie down. Only thing that is a drawback is that the airport is inaccessable after hours unless you're willing to pay a call out fee. - Submitted by Mike

6/27/2010 - Visited this past Friday. Runways Taxiways are in poor shape with grass growing up everywhere. Fuel expensive @ $5.15/gal. But FBO staff very friendly and offered use of car and map to town. Had lunch at Papa Joe's where the locals eat. Food and service were great with reasonable prices, view of marina and water. - Submitted by Steve
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Apalachicola Airport 2 - Uploaded by Ed

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