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Owl's Head Transportation Museum, Owl's Head, ME (RKD)

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Owl's Head Transportation Museum

The Owl's Head Transportation Museum is right on the airport, and features vintage aircraft, automobiles, bicycles, etc. Large enough to make a half-day of it, or more with some of the special events they host. Free shuttle from the FBO to the museum. - Submitted by mwhidden
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Video Created by Owls Head Transportation Museum

100LL Hangars JET-A
Oxygen Tiedowns
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Knox County Rgnl (RKD)

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Latitude: 44-03-36.2677N
Longitude: 069-05-57.3242W
Elevation: 55
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 123.05
Unicom: 123.05

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Owl's Head, ME
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BHB Hancock County-Bar Harbor Bar Harbor, ME
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ME6 Wales Wales, ME
Montreal 46 miles
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A Wright Flyer replica at the Owl's Head Transportation museum. - Uploaded by Michael

An old Auburn at the Owl's Head Transportation Museum. - Uploaded by Michael

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