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The Hangar Hotel and Airport Diner, Fredericksburg, TX (T82)

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The Hangar Hotel and Airport Diner

Guests staying here are not road warriors who check in at late at night and rise the next morning to make that early sales call. Staying at the Hangar Hotel is a total experience, some-thing to be leisurely enjoyed while in your room, the lobby area, the Observation deck, the Officers Club, the Diner, Conference Center and the outside area, including the ramp for arriving and departing aircraft.

Check out the Airport Diner. Enjoy the entertaining aircraft as they land and take-off between bites of a delicious 'Bomber Burger'. Chocolate malts, prepared with ice-cream that is made especially for us right here in Fredericksburg, and hand battered onion rings, are awaiting your enjoyment.

This absolutely beautiful Airport Diner is again a one of a kind creation built after considerable research into the Diners of old. Lots of stainless, terrazzo floors, black granite counters and booth tops, all provide comfortable relaxing dining on old time diner favorites. - Submitted by EJ
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100LL Avgas Catering
Conference Rooms FBO Flight Planning Room
Hangar Space Hangars Maintenance
Pilot Lounge Rental Cars Restrooms
Shade Hangars Terminal/Lounge Tiedowns
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Contact Information:
Email: marketing@airportdiner.com
Phone: 830-997-4999
Airport Information:
Gillespie County (T82)

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Latitude: 30-14-35.7000N
Longitude: 098-54-33.1000W
Elevation: 1694
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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155 Airport Road
Fredericksburg, TX
Comments and Reviews From FunPlacesToFly.com Visitors:
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1/14/2023 - The Airport Diner is a wonderful place for lunch. I fly to the airport every 4 or 5 weeks as I practice instrument approaches along the way. I enjoy my lunches at the Dine and everyone there is great. Make a plan for a $100 burger and stop at the Airport Diner! - Submitted by Jim Sparkman

1/26/2019 - Flew in for a stay at the Hangar Hotel. Great hotel, great employees. The Airport Diner is an excellent place, good food and atmosphere. Be aware that it is not open in the evening. Just breakfast and lunch Wednesday through Sunday.
- Submitted by Huey

4/17/2018 - Closed Monday and Tuesday - Submitted by Karen

11/12/2013 - Not too early to make plans to attend the 2014 Wings Over The Hills Nature Festival April 25.26 27th.at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park next to our airport. Fun for the entire family. www.wingstx.org - Submitted by Jane

2/20/2011 - A forties-era hotel with fantastic rooms and a great diner. Rental cars are also available on site allowing access to Fredericksburg, Texas, a German community with great restaurants, micro breweries and shopping for the ladies. The rooms rent for slightly higher than I'm used to paying it's not bad considering the overall Hangar Hotel experience. It also has a nice balcony overlooking the airport, as well as excellent FBO's. The runway is 5001 feet long. I highly recommend it. - Submitted by Jim Kirkendall

1/26/2011 - Gillespie Co Airport T82 has very high priced fuel for such a small facility. Usually 0.30-0.50 over the national average. Not sure what they're thinking there. Cool place but expensive. - Submitted by MK

7/22/2010 - We flew in and ate lunch at the Diner. It was like going back in time. What a cool place! Food was great and nice people! - Submitted by Mike Watson

11/17/2009 - My wife and I flew with two other couples to the Hangar Hotel and diner a few weekends ago and stayed for 2 nights. Great trip! Can't wait to go back again. There is a nice restaruant about a mile walk down the road that is great too. Sitting outside on the upstairs deck and sipping a drink while looking out over the parking apron and listening to the 40's music they have piped all through the property makes for a relaxing weekend. We also really enjoyed the Officer's Club with the one man piano or guitar entertainment. Next time though, I think one night will be enough. - Submitted by Brad Rose

11/17/2009 - The Hangar Hotel and next door 50's Diner is one of my favorite stops. Beautiful WWII Hut Hotel, great 50's Diner, the friendliest people to boot. And as a bonus, it's located in Fredericksburg, Texas which has held it's small town country setting downtown on main street with wonderful shopping. Great place to fly in and spend some time in town. Then come back and enjoy the 50's diner before you depart home. - Submitted by Henry

11/16/2009 - Our first trip here. Flew in on Friday evening 11/6/09 and everyone was friendly as can be. We were planning on leaving Sat but had so much fun, we stayed another night. Look forward to returning again soon. The bar service and food in the diner was great. - Submitted by Rich Kimberly

6/1/2009 - Flew in on Sunday for a quick bite. We had a great time. Airport is easy to find, had plenty of transient parking and the food at the dinner was great. Get a milkshake! If you plan on staying long and want to tie down, bring your own. We had to walk around to find some. - Submitted by David
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The Hangar Hotel - Uploaded by Jake

The Hangar Hotel Main Lobby - Uploaded by Jake

The Hangar Hotel and Airport Diner - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

The Hangar Hotel and Airport Diner - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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