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Michigan UP Getaway, Manistique, MI (KISQ)

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Michigan UP Getaway

Land, park and explore! The UP's finest attractions are yours to discover when you base your stay at the Holiday Motel in Manistique. Located directly across the street from Schoolcraft County Airport, your package includes lodging at the highest rated motel in the area along with a vehicle for a half day or all day.

Explore Kitchitikipi, Pictured Rocks National Shoreline, Benny the Beard Fisher, Fayette State Park and more! You are a short drive from excellent eateries, coffee shops and more. Join us in the evening for our nightly bonfire with s'mores and enjoy some friendly competition with cornhole and horseshoes. Each morning, enjoy fresh hot coffee, fruit and granola bars to kick off your day right.

Call today to book your fly-drive excursion! - Submitted by Ronn Farr
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Lodging Transportation
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Email: reservatioins@holidaymotelup.com
Phone: 9063412710
Airport Information:
Schoolcraft County (ISQ)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 45-58-28.7000N
Longitude: 086-10-18.6000W
Elevation: 684
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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5939W US Highway 2
Manistique, MI
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