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Lompoc Airport LPC, Lompoc, CA (LPC)

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Lompoc Airport LPC

Lompoc airport is 8 miles east of the Pacific Ocean and 25 miles south of Santa Maria, and 35 miles west of Santa Ynez airport. Santa Barbara airport is 50 south of Lompoc. There are various tourist sights including many murals, the La Purisima Mission, Flower Fields, Vandenberg Space Force Base is to the west where many rocket launches can be viewed. Close restaurants Habit, Panda Expr, Bravo Pizza, Mi Amores pizza, Subway, El Toro Broncho Mexican all within 3 to 4 blocks walking distance. Rental cars nearby, uber and taxi available - Submitted by Howard Wallace
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100LL Aircraft Rental Avgas
Flight Planning Room Flight Training Hangars
Hotels Near Airport Maintenance Pilot Lounge
Restrooms Self Serve 100LL Tiedowns
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Phone: 805 875-8268
Airport Information:
Lompoc (LPC)

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Latitude: 34-39-56.2300N
Longitude: 120-28-03.0100W
Elevation: 88
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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1801 N H Street
Lompoc, CA
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
SMX Santa Maria Pub/capt G Allan Hancock Fld Santa Maria, CA
Los Angeles 16 miles
IZA Santa Ynez Santa Ynez, CA
Los Angeles 23 miles
L52 Oceano County Oceano, CA
Los Angeles 31 miles
SBA Santa Barbara Muni Santa Barbara, CA
Los Angeles 39 miles
SBP San Luis County Rgnl San Luis Obispo, CA
Los Angeles 41 miles
L88 New Cuyama New Cuyama, CA
Los Angeles 48 miles
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