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Cedar Mills Marina and Resort, Gordonville, TX (3T0)

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Cedar Mills Marina and Resort

Cedar Mills Airport (3T0, 3,tee, zero) is located on Lake Texoma and has a 3000' east/west grass runway. Also Pelican's Landing Waterfront Restaurant is about a 10 minute walk overlooking the harbor. Great food! There are duplexes located on the airport for rent. Call 903-523-4200 - Submitted by Smitty
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Email: marina@cedarmills.com
Phone: 903-523-4222
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Cedar Mills (3T0)

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Latitude: 33-50-21.6459N
Longitude: 096-48-36.2483W
Elevation: 640
CTAF: 122.9

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500 Harbour View Rd.
Gordonville, TX
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10/29/2017 - Awesome place for lunch! The approach to runway 25 is SO COOL. Right over the water. The restaurant food is okay. I'm usually underwhelmed with the service and the food never blows my mind, but being on the marina is really cool. Because of how cool this grass field is, it's still a great place for a $100 hamburger. Do your homework on the airfield before you fly in. Some people have gotten themselves in trouble by wind on the approach end of runway 25 wind gusting around the big tree to the left of the approach end and folks trying to takeoff runway 25 uphill. I attempted a takeoff from 25 one day in a 200hp Cardinal RG because I had previously done it in a 115hp Citabria with no issues. This time the grass was a little tall, and slightly moist. I aborted the takeoff halfway down the runway when I still wasn't airborne. It didn't feel right. Taxiing back, I spoke with a local who pointed out the upslope when using 25. He recommended unless the winds were very strong, he uses runway 07 for departures. I then departed 07 and was glad I did. It was much better, allowing me to get airborne and build some speed as I went feet-wet. It just depends on the conditions. I looked up later that night that someone once crashed into those trees at the end of 25. Be cautious, and respect the grass and trees. - Submitted by JT Blassingame

8/10/2011 - The best 100.00 hamburger ever! What a fun place to fly into and the view was fabulous! Pelican's Landing menu had a large variety to choose from. Decisions, decisions, everything sounded so good but I finally went with the Jamaican Burger and my companion choose the Red Barron Sandwich. They were both a good choice and the service was great! One warning don't bring your wife with a credit card...there is a Ships Store boutique gift shop on location and it is like a Macy's on the Lake! Well, she had fun shopping and I have to admit I even found a few items for myself. We're looking forward to flying back in the fall for the Fly/Splash-In and Seminars. - Submitted by Fran

2/4/2010 - Flew there a few weekends ago with my boyfriend. Wonderful strip, we had a great walk around the grounds, nice meal at the marina, browse the gift shop. It was a nice trip to just go and get away for a bit. Highly recommend! Can't wait to go back. - Submitted by Cindy

4/16/2002 - I have tracked Cedar Mills development for several years and it reminds me of Gaston's Fly-In on the north central Arkansas border, a great place to hangout and have fun.
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All photos shown below are provided/uploaded by visitors to our website, which have agreed to our Photo Submission Rules.
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Cedar Mills Marina Logo - Uploaded by Roy

Pelican's Landing Waterfront Restaurant - Uploaded by Linda

Beautiful! - Uploaded by Linda

Cedar Mills South Central Safety Seminar Fly/Splash In. - Uploaded by Francise

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