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Brae Cabin Airbnb, Gainesboro, TN (1A7)

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Brae Cabin Airbnb

Fantastic get-a-way just down the road from a beautiful small county airport. Owners are pilots and provide transportation. https://airbnb.com/h/brae-cabin - Submitted by Hugh Cameron
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Jackson County (1A7)

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Latitude: 36-23-48.5000N
Longitude: 085-38-28.8000W
Elevation: 515
CTAF: 122.9

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Gainesboro, TN
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
8A3 Livingston Muni Livingston, TN
St Louis 18 miles
TZV Tompkinsville-Monroe County Tompkinsville, KY
St Louis 23 miles
SRB Upper Cumberland Rgnl Sparta, TN
St Louis 24 miles
3M7 Lafayette Muni Lafayette, TN
St Louis 25 miles
0A3 Smithville Muni Smithville, TN
Atlanta 30 miles
2A1 Jamestown Muni Jamestown, TN
Cincinnati 39 miles
M54 Lebanon Muni Lebanon, TN
St Louis 40 miles
M33 Sumner County Rgnl Gallatin, TN
St Louis 43 miles
CSV Crossville Memorial-Whitson Field Crossville, TN
Atlanta 44 miles
GLW Glasgow Muni Glasgow, KY
St Louis 47 miles
1M5 Portland Muni Portland, TN
St Louis 48 miles
RNC Warren County Memorial Mc Minnville, TN
Atlanta 50 miles
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Brae Cabin Airbnb - Uploaded by Mike - Copyright Holder: Mike

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