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Aviation Specialists LLC, Atmore, AL (0R1)

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Aviation Specialists LLC

Aviation Specialists LLC is a full service FBO with a down home feel. Great views. large grass ramp perfect for overnight camping. Very close to Wind Creek Casino and all the local hotels. We invite you to DiscoverAtmore. with us in Atmore Alabama. - Submitted by Bo McCall
All destinations and events listed on this website were provided by visitors to our website. If you decide to fly or drive to any destination listed, you do so at your own risk. Please see our disclaimer.

100LL Aircraft Parts Avgas
Camping Catering Complimentary Coffee
Conference Rooms Courtesy Car(s) FBO
Fishing Food Hangar Leasing/Sales
Hotels Near Airport Lodging Maintenance
Pilot Supplies Rental Cars Restrooms
Self Serve 100LL Shuttle to Local Hotels Store(s)
Terminal/Lounge Tiedowns WIFI
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Phone: 2513682004
Airport Information:
Atmore Muni (0R1)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 31-00-58.1000N
Longitude: 087-26-48.3000W
Elevation: 286
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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Atmore, AL
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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New Orleans 23 miles
1R8 Bay Minette Muni Bay Minette, AL
New Orleans 24 miles
MVC Monroe County Monroeville, AL
New Orleans 31 miles
15A Mark Reynolds/north Mobile County Creola, AL
New Orleans 33 miles
GZH Middleton Field Evergreen, AL
New Orleans 36 miles
2R4 Peter Prince Field Milton, FL
New Orleans 38 miles
PNS Pensacola Intl Pensacola, FL
New Orleans 41 miles
4R3 Jackson Muni Jackson, AL
New Orleans 41 miles
82J Ferguson Pensacola, FL
New Orleans 43 miles
5R4 Foley Muni Foley, AL
New Orleans 43 miles
BFM Mobile Downtown Mobile, AL
New Orleans 46 miles
CQF H L Sonny Callahan Fairhope, AL
New Orleans 46 miles
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