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Starduster Cafe, Independence, OR (7S5)

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Starduster Cafe

A great little cafe for breakfast and lunch right on the eat side of the runway. Restaurant is 200ft from tie downs for which there are no fees. 100LL and Jet A available for a good price too. - Submitted by Jenn Woodland
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100LL Tiedowns
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Phone: 503-838-1781
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Independence State (7S5)

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Latitude: 44-52-01.0500N
Longitude: 123-11-53.6900W
Elevation: 180
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.975
Unicom: 122.975

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4705 Airport Road
Independence, OR
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HIO Portland-Hillsboro Portland, OR
Seattle 48 miles
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