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Houma-Terrebonne Airport, Houma, LA (KHUM)

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Houma-Terrebonne Airport

Fly into Houma, Louisiana for exceptional charter fishing and hunting, swamp tours, fresh seafood and the best Cajun Cuisine around. Houma is in close proximity to New Orleans attractions as well. please visit our website for additional information. - Submitted by Laci Melancon
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Contact Information:
Email: laci@houmajet.com
Phone: 985-868-7858
Airport Information:
Houma-Terrebonne (HUM)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 29-33-59.4075N
Longitude: 090-39-37.5360W
Elevation: 9
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 125.3
Unicom: 122.95

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Houma, LA
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
L83 Thibodaux Muni Thibodaux, LA
New Orleans 16 miles
GAO South Lafourche Leonard Miller Jr Galliano, LA
New Orleans 26 miles
APS Port Of South Louisiana Executive Rgnl Reserve, LA
New Orleans 36 miles
MSY Louis Armstrong New Orleans Intl New Orleans, LA
New Orleans 38 miles
PTN Harry P Williams Memorial Patterson, LA
Houston 42 miles
REG Louisiana Rgnl Gonzales, LA
New Orleans 45 miles
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Houma-Terrebonne Airport - Uploaded by Mike Watts

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