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South Freeport, Maine Lobster Lunch!, South Freeport, Maine, ME (KPWM)

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South Freeport, Maine Lobster Lunch!

Sit at the counter, or at a table, overlooking picturesque Freeport Harbor as you savor the freshest sweetest Maine lobster, steamers, and fixings, just out of the steamer vat! What a spot!

We flew in to Portland International, three guys in two two-seaters, and met a fabulously friendly group of staff at the on-field FBO - NorthEast Air.http://www.northeastair.com Despite taking minimal fuel, they gladly lent us the new and comfortable crew car for two hours, and we hi-tailed over to the Lobster pound - about 15 easy miles up the road. Great lunch, and then back to the FBO - where they treated us like the big spenders we were not! - Submitted by Daniel Spitzer
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How far away is South Freeport, Maine Lobster Lunch!?
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Phone: 207 865 3535
Airport Information:
Portland Intl Jetport (PWM)

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Latitude: 43-38-44.3166N
Longitude: 070-18-31.0189W
Elevation: 75
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A
CTAF: 120.9
Unicom: 122.95

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Harraseeket Lunch and Lobster Companymore 36 Main Street South
South Freeport, Maine, ME
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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New York 15 miles
63B Limington-Harmon Limington, ME
New York 20 miles
BXM Brunswick Executive Brunswick, ME
New York 25 miles
SFM Sanford Seacoast Rgnl Sanford, ME
New York 27 miles
LEW Auburn/lewiston Muni Auburn/lewiston, ME
Montreal 28 miles
08B Merrymeeting Field Bowdoinham, ME
Montreal 32 miles
81B Oxford County Rgnl Oxford, ME
Montreal 36 miles
IWI Wiscasset Wiscasset, ME
New York 37 miles
3B5 Twitchell Turner, ME
New York 38 miles
ME6 Wales Wales, ME
Montreal 39 miles
IZG Eastern Slopes Rgnl Fryeburg, ME
New York 40 miles
DAW Skyhaven Rochester, NH
New York 40 miles
3B4 Littlebrook Air Park Eliot, ME
New York 42 miles
PSM Portsmouth Intl At Pease Portsmouth, NH
New York 47 miles
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South Freeport, Maine Lobster Lunch! - Uploaded by Mike Watson

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