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Boonville Airport, Boonville, CA (D83)

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Boonville Airport

Boonville is a small town, but does have a number of restaurants, an ice cream shop, some antique/curio shops, and an old hotel. The entire town is an easy walk from the field. It's a great place for a $100 hamburger. You will find Boonville an extremely friendly town. Its a very trendyntown with lots of wine country visitors. Everyone smiles or nods and people are happy to sit and talk for a while. 30 minutes from the SF Bay Area. - Submitted by Adam Sparks
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Contact Information:
Email: adam.sparks.life.is.good@facebook.com
Phone: 94109
Airport Information:
Boonville (D83)

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Latitude: 39-00-50.2301N
Longitude: 123-22-53.5917W
Elevation: 378
CTAF: 122.7
Unicom: 122.7

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825 Van Ness Ave. Suite 301
Boonville, CA
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7/9/2020 - Air Galore offers a rental car here if you fly in! - Submitted by Lorin

8/12/2017 - $100.00 burger? Lauren's has a great burger with fries or salad for about $12-13 bucks in downtown Boonville. - Submitted by Bob

8/9/2014 - This may be the friendliest little airport in the world, at least if you fly a vintage bellanca like I do. They have 2 airport days a year, not to be missed. Well worth an overnight. Way more interesting than places that resemble the burbs. - Submitted by Captain Larry
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