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Kentmorr Restaurant, Stevensville, MD (3W3)

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Kentmorr Restaurant

Kentmorr Airport and Restaurant: 3W3 - excellent grass strip and supurb restaurant within short walking distance - 4 STAR quality! Wonderful views of the Bay, access to the beach and marina - perfect for a wonderul, scenic flight! Fly-in, nice waterfront walk, enjoy a great lunch or dinner, then enjoy a beverage on the beach and watch the nice boats enter/depart the marina. Awesome fly-in experience. Just watch the SFRA about a mile or two off the end of the runway. At 3W3, check website of the airport for procedures at http://www.3w3.us/ for all airport and pilot info. This one is worth a journey! Mike Marra, Keystone Flight of Central PA. - Submitted by Mike Marra
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Email: http://www.kentmorr.com/reservations.php
Phone: 410-643-2263
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Kentmorr Airpark (3W3)

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Latitude: 38-55-05.2000N
Longitude: 076-21-31.8000W
Elevation: 10
CTAF: 122.9

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910 Kentmorr Road
Stevensville, MD
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4/22/2021 - I flew into Kentmore summer of 2020 with an RV-6A. The runway is satisfactory but a bit rough so be careful with RV nosewheels. There is a ridge running across the runway at about the mid point. Parking is on the west end of the runway on the north side. Easy walk to the Kentmorr Restaurant, which is nice lunch stop. - Submitted by Dan M

4/22/2021 - Couldn't agree more. A really nice strip to visit. Suggest you park along the fence line on west end of runway. Check NOTAMS before you go as they close it for a few days after heavy rains. The restaurant is awesome. - Submitted by Mac Downs

6/22/2014 - Flew into this airport on 6-21-14, for the first time. Airport is not easy to spot, and short runway requires a slow approach. Kentmorr Crab Shack / Dirty Dave's Crabs is a great place to eat. Full restaurant where none flyers, boaters eats. Restaurant is a place where boaters pull up for a bite, they have an outside bar of a small sandy beach. I am not a fish eater, but had a really awesome burger!! Wife had a crab soup and crab sandwich which she said was awesome. Highly suggest it. Grass field has not lights, so you need to leave before night fall. - Submitted by Mike
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Final at Kentmorr - Uploaded by Mike Marra

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