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Bush N Vine, York, SC (01SC)

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Bush N Vine

Great grass strip with vegetable / fruit stand at the north end. Park on the north end of the runway and walk to the stand for a fresh strawberry or peach slushy. Plus it's a great place to get strawberries, blackberries, peaches and veggies in season. Traffic uses 122.9 - Submitted by Dennis Scearce
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York (01SC)

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Latitude: 35-01-55.4860N
Longitude: 081-15-10.0000W
Elevation: 779

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York, SC
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5/1/2015 - Freq is 122.9 always has been - Submitted by Eddie

10/15/2014 - Freq at York.sc is 122.9. Land on 36 if winds allow - Submitted by eddie

8/14/2014 - Frequency at 01SC York, SC is 122.9. great grass field with 2600 ft with great approaches..Corn is now being pulled. - Submitted by Eddie Shields
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Bush N Vine - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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