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Historic Oxford Square, Oxford, MS (UOX)

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Historic Oxford Square

Town square has the feel of a small New Orleans and is representative of true Southern culture. Visit historic houses surrounding the square, shopping on square, Oxford University and Saint Peter's Cemetery where William Faulkner is buried. Good day trip, or take the opportunity to dress up and fly in for dinner on the weekend. Nice FBO open until 6:00pm. No self serve gas. Gas after 6:00pm requires call out 150. About 2 mile walk to town square from airport or take cab. We called out Angel Cabs and they were at the airport in 10 minutes. We elected to walk back to the airport after dinner, walk not bad, mostly through residential historic homes, and on bike path near a moderately busy road. - Submitted by Ashleigh
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100LL Hangars JET-A
Maintenance Tiedowns
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University-Oxford (UOX)

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Latitude: 34-23-03.6000N
Longitude: 089-32-12.5000W
Elevation: 452
Fuel: 100LL Jet-A Jet-A+
CTAF: 123
Unicom: 123

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Oxford, MS
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1/25/2022 - Flew down for lunch - nice FBO with courtesy car - went to Greek restaurant Volta Taverna - good food within 2 miles of airport- multiple other good restaurants reportedly on town square - wioykd check it out again. - Submitted by Laura Bishop

6/4/2016 - This is a nice little uncontrolled airport with a very nice FBO operated by the University of Mississippi. The service has always been outstanding. They have one crew car available on a first come, first serve basis.
It is about a 10 minute drive into Oxford's classic Old South town square. There are many great restaurants and shops around the square, but I highly recommend The City Grocery for gourmet southern food. Another great place, located closer to the airport is Big Bad Breakfast. You have to try their Tabasco and Brown Sugar cured bacon.
If the crew car is not available, you can get a taxi for about $15 each way. - Submitted by squelch
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Historic Oxford Square - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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