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Arant Aviation Inc, Monroe, NC (1NC6)

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Arant Aviation Inc

Come see what a real grass strip is like. Under New Management, out with the old in with the new. Back to a fun place to fly. Private Airport. - Submitted by Charlie Arant
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Email: arantc@juno.com
Phone: 7041714
Airport Information:
Arant (1NC6)

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Latitude: 35-03-21.5360N
Longitude: 080-27-00.2350W
Elevation: 535
Unicom: 122.8

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3200 Austin Chaney Rd
Monroe, NC
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12/3/2012 - Stopped by Charlie last month. Ended up spending an hour just chatting.
Land to North uphill unless strong wind. - Submitted by DrBill

6/10/2011 - Runway is unfortunately poorly maintained. Its a shame because a year or two ago is was safe to fly in to. : - Submitted by Andrew
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
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Charlotte 17 miles
AFP Anson County - Jeff Cloud Field Wadesboro, NC
Charlotte 21 miles
N52 Jaars-Townsend Waxhaw, NC
Charlotte 21 miles
PYG Pageland Pageland, SC
Charlotte 22 miles
JQF Concord Rgnl Concord, NC
Charlotte 27 miles
T73 Kirk Air Base Lancaster, SC
Charlotte 29 miles
VUJ Stanly County Albemarle, NC
Charlotte 30 miles
CLT Charlotte/douglas Intl Charlotte, NC
Charlotte 30 miles
LKR Lancaster County-Mc Whirter Field Lancaster, SC
Charlotte 32 miles
UZA Rock Hill/york Co/bryant Field Rock Hill, SC
Charlotte 35 miles
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RCZ Richmond County Rockingham, NC
Charlotte 41 miles
AKH Gastonia Muni Gastonia, NC
Charlotte 41 miles
RUQ Mid-Carolina Rgnl Salisbury, NC
Charlotte 41 miles
43A Montgomery County Star, NC
Charlotte 44 miles
DCM Chester Catawba Rgnl Chester, SC
Charlotte 46 miles
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HVS Hartsville Rgnl Hartsville, SC
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IPJ Lincolnton-Lincoln County Rgnl Lincolnton, NC
Charlotte 50 miles
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