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Williamson Sodus Airport - Saturday Coffee Can Lunch, Williamson-Sodus, NY (SDC)

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Williamson Sodus Airport - Saturday Coffee Can Lunch

Nice airport located up near Lake Ontario, Stop by for the Coffee Can Lunch. Always at noon. Rain or shine. Something different every week. Nice group, good bantering and pilot talk. Ask for Jake one of the original founders of the airfield from 1956 Lunch is at the Williamson Aeronautical hanger. If you're wondering what's for lunch that day, call 315.483.8934. Great excuse to get out and fly!!! - Submitted by Chris
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Contact Information:
Email: info@williamsonflyingclub.com
Phone: 315-483-6011
Airport Information:
Williamson-Sodus (SDC)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 43-14-04.6000N
Longitude: 077-07-10.1000W
Elevation: 424
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.8
Unicom: 122.8

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11/14/2017 - The last lunch of the season was last week. They will start up again some time in the spring. Jake retired his grill. Tony is now in charge. - Submitted by Dave Perricone
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Approach on Rwy 28 - Uploaded by Chris - Copyright Holder: wfc

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