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Pickett House at Heritage Village, Woodville, TX (09R)

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Pickett House at Heritage Village

Heritage Village is a historic recreation/preservation of pioneer mid-1800s to early 1900s settlements in the area. Fun for the kids, and open 360 days a year, including minor holidays. They'll send a courtesy van to the airport to pick you up it's a 5 minute drive, but would be a pretty good hike to walk, especially in the summer heat. Pickett House part of the museum complex is a blue-plate, family style all-you-can-eat restaurant with a fixed menu...food is simple, but tasty: fried chicken, chicken and dumplings, greens, green beans, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and cobbler for dessert yes, that's the entire menu. Definitely not your typical airport diner destination! - Submitted by Jim
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Contact Information:
Email: info@heritage-village.org
Phone: 409 283-2272 or 800 323-0389
Airport Information:
Tyler County (09R)

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Latitude: 30-46-30.7220N
Longitude: 094-27-30.7170W
Elevation: 388
CTAF: 122.9

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Woodville, TX
Comments and Reviews From FunPlacesToFly.com Visitors:
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10/29/2019 - My wife and I flew in a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday. Well worth it. Extremely friendly staff and delicious food - DIET Fried Chicken..that's my story and I am sticking to it. Close to airport and they will come pick you up. NOTHING at the airport. There are tie down ropes but they are very old. - Submitted by Dan Drew

5/10/2018 - Flew here last weekend after seeing the ad on this site. Lived up to the hype! Food was very good and everyone was very accommodating. And, called upon landing and in less than 10 minutes they were there to pick us up.
- Submitted by Huey

7/12/2014 - Fly into 09R Tyler County Airport, give'em a call and they'll come pick you up. They're only about a mile from the airport. They like to get a call before you head there so they'll know your ETA... Good food, nice people, very reasonable price! - Submitted by Dave Wingard

5/19/2013 - Outstanding fried chicken and mashed potatoes served family style. Call when you arrive at the airport and they will pick you and up bring you back. - Submitted by Michael

8/21/2011 - Awesome food, great atmosphere, this is a trip not to be missed. - Submitted by Ken

8/22/2010 - Here's a link to a review with some photos: http://flavorboulevard.com/a-homage-to-pickett-house/
- Submitted by Jim
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Pickett House at Heritage Village - Uploaded by Ted Wilson

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