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Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant, Coalinga, CA (3O8)

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Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant

Harris Ranch 3O8 is a steak loving pilot's dream. An airstrip, right next to the Harris Ranch Resort, where some of the best steaks in the country can be found. There is an Inn, you can stay overnight, so you can enjoy a glass of wine with your steak, and in the morning, buy some steaks to take home with you.

Harris Ranch has a 2,800 foot landing strip that is paved and lighted along the south side of the main complex. Self-serve 100 LL Aviation Fuel is available 24 hours a day. - Submitted by Lynda Woodin
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Contact Information:
Email: service@harrisranch.com
Phone: 559 935-0717
Airport Information:
Harris Ranch (3O8)

More info from AirNav.com

Latitude: 36-14-53.2000N
Longitude: 120-14-18.5000W
Elevation: 470
Fuel: 100LL
CTAF: 122.9

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24505 West Dorris Avenue
Coalinga, CA
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Nearby Public Airports: (50 mile radius)
ID Name City/State/Use Chart Name Distance
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M90 William Robert Johnston Muni Mendota, CA
San Francisco 36 miles
0Q4 Selma Selma, CA
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FCH Fresno Chandler Executive Fresno, CA
San Francisco 41 miles
F34 Firebaugh Firebaugh, CA
San Francisco 44 miles
PRB Paso Robles Muni Paso Robles, CA
Los Angeles 45 miles
E79 Sierra Sky Park Fresno, CA
San Francisco 46 miles
FAT Fresno Yosemite Intl Fresno, CA
San Francisco 47 miles
VIS Visalia Muni Visalia, CA
San Francisco 47 miles
KIC Mesa Del Rey King City, CA
San Francisco 49 miles
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Harris Ranch Inn Restaurant - Uploaded by Mike Watson

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