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K-18 Cafe, Lucas, KS (38K)

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K-18 Cafe

Beautiful hard surface runway. Park and walk up hill 50 yards to quaint facility with excellent B-fast menu. #3 is my favorite. Pancakes as big as the plate with hot coffee. A favorite for pilots on Sunday mornings.If you like homemade hashbrowns you'll find none better.
Lucas has many interesting shops to include the Garden of Eden.
Located near scenic Wilson Lake , I've been flying to it since the seventies . - Submitted by Terry Burger
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Phone: 785-525-6262
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Lucas (38K)

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Latitude: 39-03-43.0380N
Longitude: 098-31-31.2390W
Elevation: 1485
CTAF: 122.9

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5495 K-18 Hwy
Lucas, KS
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6/4/2017 - I know when you are spending $100+ to fly to a diner, you aren't really looking for value. But seriously, how can you go wrong with a salad AND a 1/3 lb burger AND french fries AND onion rings AND your drink for $7.95? - Submitted by Mark

1/7/2013 - We flew in to Lucas in September. The cafe was great for lunch. The town is a short walk from the field. Stay on the paved surface. The grass tie downs are a bit rough. - Submitted by Steve Carlson

10/2/2012 - A great place to stop in for a meal or to visit the town, which is a short walk to the west. Ramp space is a bit small and be careful of uneven grass parking. THe burgers, fries and onion rings are all good at the K18 Cafe - Submitted by S Carlson
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1K6 Ellinwood Muni Ellinwood, KS
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