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Aeropaul Bistro Restaurant - St-mathieu-de-beloeil, QC

The very best airport Restaurant in Quebec Province! - Submitted by Louis Delisle

Bromont Airport Restaurant - Bromont, QC

The airport restaurant, Le Terminal, has an upscale aviator contemporary decor and a menu like Montreal's best places. A must stop when travelling this part of Quebec province. - Submitted by Marc-Andre Theoret

Lac a la tortue - Lac a la tortue, QC

Birthplace of bush aviation in Canada, 1919, mainly for forest fire surveillance. 2 airstrips just beside the lake / hydrobase. Avgas on ramp or on the lake. Nice restaurant right on the lake with terrace named ledhelice which is a game with the French word for propeller. Nice people, nice place. A lot of planes. French-speaking, but many people speaks English. A place charge with history, out of the wood. As locals, we love to hang there. - Submitted by Nathalie Mongeau

Vintage Wings flying Museum - Gatineau, QC

Vintage Wings is located at the Gatineau Airport. The hangar is a replica of a WWII era hangar and houses some of the most beautiful warbirds of all time. The nice things is all the planes actually fly. There are no museum props here, all airworthy planes. Check out their website. - Submitted by Chris

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